Saturday, June 22, 2013

03DIY French Coquette Applauds a Medical Shopping Spree

I was struck to imagine the erroneous thinking by a healthy person to pride a 'shopping spree' of medication. Yet, our system of health care favors such abusive doctor's total control over a patient's body.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

03_SOS Who is Demolishing the Social Networks

In my time, I grew with the electronic from its infancy, tested the application launched on the market, and seeing well developed programs vanish from circulations, when inferior replicas were dumped and sustained yet, no help to the user. I thought after evolving with Microsoft's Operating System, that the industry came up with some sincerity to the user. Not only is the Internet that ongoing war zone, making my life, as a user, a nightmare! But, the statistics are just as lightening!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

02DIY Language of Commercial ads

To my daughter studying graphic advertising, i say, don't give me a problem. I'll hate myself for the problem never to leave my mind until I solved the issue!

I asked her teachers to explain why they failed her on the subject...

it emerged from her work, that she was different in her approach. as different I had been, until I employed in my business career a professional in advertising...