Friday, July 26, 2013

3 Cardinal Axes a Universal Rule

Try it it works... dreams are by degree visions, a virtual reality like a glass reflection can be an appearance, in the play of colors and light. When these dreams are realistic clear, search in that reality for the connections. with that/these connection/s, revealing the dream is virtually cutting off, and the course of destiny will change from a catastrophe.
More details in the "Domino effect" of the "Dice gateway code of 7" that makes the universe go round in my collection.

01GP Golf Game the Clubs the Balls and Reasoning

As teenager living on a countryside road, on weekends watched young African boys passing by the low wired fence en route to the Kyalami Golf course. In my adult life, the infatuation became a reality by my advertising agent insisting to join him. Grew into a poker player's addiction, until the psychological effects emerged. I watched like a yard dog, the bounds otherwise annihilated in a mental clutter. Morphing a stated of facts in my personality that I was competing with myself. The arrogance of power seekers, weren't bringing me happiness, but my young boys abiding by a natural learning.

Monday, July 1, 2013

0 to 3 years of age, no TV, no Videos, no Electronic games

I was surprised to find this poster, unaware how reckless we grow parenting children. translated from Brussels, Wallonia, Federation, from French.