Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Compelled to show what it is living with dyslexia

I came to a stage of desperation getting people to see what it is living with a brain disorder called dyslexia. after I got asked to read up on it, no one else than trying to be helpful, or still asking to listen to what I am saying. It's not because I write that I am necessary a fluent writer. writing is so abstract that I had to resolve the problem, understanding the people who called me stupid. these where the people closest to me. among them my parents. I only realized that without the ability to write, society will carry on pushing me down in a slow death. so I spend a life fighting and it just doesn't stop!

Friday, July 26, 2013

3 Cardinal Axes a Universal Rule

Try it it works... dreams are by degree visions, a virtual reality like a glass reflection can be an appearance, in the play of colors and light. When these dreams are realistic clear, search in that reality for the connections. with that/these connection/s, revealing the dream is virtually cutting off, and the course of destiny will change from a catastrophe.
More details in the "Domino effect" of the "Dice gateway code of 7" that makes the universe go round in my collection.

01GP Golf Game the Clubs the Balls and Reasoning

As teenager living on a countryside road, on weekends watched young African boys passing by the low wired fence en route to the Kyalami Golf course. In my adult life, the infatuation became a reality by my advertising agent insisting to join him. Grew into a poker player's addiction, until the psychological effects emerged. I watched like a yard dog, the bounds otherwise annihilated in a mental clutter. Morphing a stated of facts in my personality that I was competing with myself. The arrogance of power seekers, weren't bringing me happiness, but my young boys abiding by a natural learning.

Monday, July 1, 2013

0 to 3 years of age, no TV, no Videos, no Electronic games

I was surprised to find this poster, unaware how reckless we grow parenting children. translated from Brussels, Wallonia, Federation, from French.

Saturday, June 22, 2013

03DIY French Coquette Applauds a Medical Shopping Spree

I was struck to imagine the erroneous thinking by a healthy person to pride a 'shopping spree' of medication. Yet, our system of health care favors such abusive doctor's total control over a patient's body.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

03_SOS Who is Demolishing the Social Networks

In my time, I grew with the electronic from its infancy, tested the application launched on the market, and seeing well developed programs vanish from circulations, when inferior replicas were dumped and sustained yet, no help to the user. I thought after evolving with Microsoft's Operating System, that the industry came up with some sincerity to the user. Not only is the Internet that ongoing war zone, making my life, as a user, a nightmare! But, the statistics are just as lightening!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

02DIY Language of Commercial ads

To my daughter studying graphic advertising, i say, don't give me a problem. I'll hate myself for the problem never to leave my mind until I solved the issue!

I asked her teachers to explain why they failed her on the subject...

it emerged from her work, that she was different in her approach. as different I had been, until I employed in my business career a professional in advertising...

Saturday, March 30, 2013

One's Existence has the tasks at Shielding the living disadvantaged

Simply; we are given experience, and memory, with a moral duty attached. the tool of a shield for the living disadvantages, whether by parenting one's child, or other form of life (this is not a philosophical expression, nor dogmatic believe,) the writer is none of those. it is a way of living in the midst of flying virtual boomerang. It is a type of needed justice, the gift that return, as a needed gift, from insincerity bubble burst. beneficent as parent, in relationships, or any structure the attentive savoir-vivre to spurt that magnet field and draw off course the evil spearheads to notice revenge of the malefic deeds at work.
the illustration:
(There is a lot in the image, it is a way for me to find my way to the essence at a glimpse.)
there are the 3 dimension triangles, the initial iron atom of a universal structure and the writer much refers to the symbolic Atomium. the center sphere (note shown) refers to the spirit, the hand is a symbolic shields with its magnetic field, and the pins, which represent evil arrow head drawn off course, which by experience has thought on reading the karma in the air.

Have faith, this is paradise!

my though for the day,
Who are we "clicking" the social networks those Quotes for[?]

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Psychology of strategy of the Chess Player & Pygmy

for more reading:
It has been thought that a chess player calculates every move linear in advance, which is right when like any animal learning a specific move. But what happens, when he has all these possible moves of a chess board branded into mind? Needn't say it needs skills, but that of a pygmy hunting in the jungle where he grew up -- this translate into a transcendence up the many of the tree-of-life and a good memory where in the jungle that canopy whirls foliage off a branch of a tree seen in the course of life. to catch off guard an mighty as good, the chess player needs to venture in distant virgin forest to a spot where the opponent might not have thought to look.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Dr "IN" House for a painless Heart beats (read notice)

more about this writer: http://www.scribd.com/Kahztiy 
Notice; I'm not a Dr, and the information is based on personal experience. here is the story; I had to exercise every day feeling it was the only thing to do apart swallowing chemical to alleviate my heart pains. As a partisan of the least effort,  eating is an inconvenience task, and shopping a burden. for the sake of ecology I eat raw -- life foods.  4 raw Brussels sprouts lasted me for well into the second half of the day, what 1 kilo of cooked did for 1 hour, and initial idea to try my luck with a cabbage. I had cabbage for breakfast, lunch, dinner to make a point, and it wasn't long, when one day I realized I din't feel my heart before dozing off. I carried for 4 months until, my body said, "Don't you think that you are exaggerating a little now?" I must admit I went over board but never have I felt so good since the day I was told; what people get pig valves implanted for, paid a phenomenal price for the test and I had to do the exercises!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

in the aftermath of processed foods

!8 year later I find the ongoing exigency from my body, and penalized for abuse, by the intake of processed foods, feeling the inhuman torture from a single chemical, a few days of salt, a tea spoon of sugar, forcing me a return to my ancestor in the animal kingdom of live food!